At long last, I have finally shown my trailer to an audience of twelve people as well as, potentially, an upcoming online audience via. youtube and facebook. Here are some pictures of my screening...

From this short questionnaire given to my audience, I have learnt what I need to do and I have already re-cut the trailer to accommodate some of the ideas that were put forward, certain issues were difficult to change, and so some things remain unchanged, but then again, no product is perfect. Underneath are my findings from the questionnaire. As well as this, I will make a Wordle of words (I assume this is the way you refer to a Wordle) out of the summaries put forward by the group.
As a whole, the focus group came back with some pretty solid recommendations.
They conclusively said that the titles needed to remain on screen much longer and so I have edited it, so that the titles write themselves quicker and stay on screen longer, so this should hopefully please the audience, the re-edit has positive feedback on youtube. As well as this, some brightness issues were brought up, and they were dealt with instantly... and also some sound balancing issues which were improved.
Here is a Wordle of Words that were included by the focus group in the questionnaire, the larger the word is, the more times it was repeated. For example, interesting was one of the most common words used.
What became clear from the focus group is that people around the age of 18 would usually go to to movie with their friends, but not alone which would suggest that it is a film that they are partially interested in, but would prefer to go with their friends. A majority of people said that they had friends who would go to this movie. The success within this age bracket is quite surprising, I was sort of aiming at a little higher, with a potential niche audience of older middle aged watchers.
They conclusively said that the titles needed to remain on screen much longer and so I have edited it, so that the titles write themselves quicker and stay on screen longer, so this should hopefully please the audience, the re-edit has positive feedback on youtube. As well as this, some brightness issues were brought up, and they were dealt with instantly... and also some sound balancing issues which were improved.
Here is a Wordle of Words that were included by the focus group in the questionnaire, the larger the word is, the more times it was repeated. For example, interesting was one of the most common words used.

This is an 'interesting' discussion, Ben. Why don't you put up one of your surveys and some graph analysis also. Remember you are evaluating ' the significance of audience feedback'.