Wednesday 9 September 2009

What has happened with employment on Terrestrial TV?

There has been a decrease in employment on Terrestrial TV and it has been steadily decreasing since 2004 according to the information given.

What does this suggest about the traditional TV industry?

It could suggest that either TV is becoming less popoular but more likely that more people are moving to digital media such as Digital Television or Internet because they believe it is more relevant and there is mor epotential in it.

What's happening in the Interactive Media sector?

It has remained the most popular audio-visual but managed to lose 4500 employees because apparently of a decrease in the size of the Web and Internet sector

Where is the industry predominantly based?

6 in 10 are based in London and the South-east, which is hardly surprising, because the Capital is where all the main TV Stations, Newspapers and Filming are. Also London is the most built up and generally financially stable area of the country.

What’s the proportion of women working in the media? Where do most women work?

38% of people working in the Media are women, which is less han 46% the percentage of jobs belonging to women, the largest concentration of women is in Terrestrial Television which in an earlier question we found out is an area where many people are leaving, they also make up 87% of Make-up and hairdressers as well as costumes.

What does this suggest about the media industry?

2/3 of them are under 35, meaning that generally a majority of people working in media are relatively young, however there is also proof in the fact that more women and ethnic minorities have entered the job since 2003 and yet a vast maority are white males mean that people obviously sta in the job for more than a year or two, only 46% earn more than £30,000 meaning that it is not extremely well paid for more than half the people in the industry, meaning that there is an unbalance, I also think the large number of people with degrees that aren't in media may mean that people may be using media as a temporary job until they can get a job connected to their degree.

What does it suggest about media representation?

In my belief it shows that a lot of the people working in media are very intelligent and rather underpaid, the fact that 2/3 have degrees and 1/2 of media workers are paid less than 30k shows that at least 16% of media (probably a lot more) are paid much less than you would expect from someone with a degree.

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