Wednesday 16 September 2009

Q1. Production - From your reading -
What does production involve?

What was the inspiration behind Shifty?
'I know Essex and Harlow and so I thought, I'm going to write a film about my real experiences of life growing up in the suburbs in Essex because I feel that a lot of urban films tended to get it wrong' says Creevy. Creevy also says that he wants to pay homage to great directors such as Scorsese and Tarantino, but want to link it to experiences relevant to him or take 'inspiration from stories that he'd heard'

What were the difficulties of working on a low budget film?
'I thought I'd be more like a technically dynamic director but because of the budget it pushed me to shoot scenes a certain way.' Creevy says, low budget obviously means a limited budget, it also means that it is much harder to cover up mistakes using special effects or expensive equipment.

How did the Film London Microwave scheme help Shifty get produced?
'They helped us make the film with that very, very low budget.' You apply to the scheme and are taught how to make a film and then you pitch your concept to them and if you get far enough in the competition then they provide you with half the money

How is the Microwave scheme funded?
The scheme is partially funded by the Lottery, as well as by FilmLondon, the BBC, Skillset and the London Development agency

What other films have received money from the Microwave scheme?
Mum & Dad, Analogue, Foxglove, Freestyle, Strawberry Fields and A British Guide to Showing Off have all been made due to funding by the scheme.

1 comment:

  1. Ben - you need to also cover the distribution of Shifty - what were the issues involved in Metrodome picking up the film? Why did they purchase it? How did they find out about it?

