Q. Think about the numbers of ways that you 'read' something produced by the BBC?
A. Watch their TV Channels
e.g BBC 1-4, BBC News 24, BBC Parliament
Listen to BBC Radio channels 1-7
Read about the Company in the Newspapers
Watch BBC Televisual programming on the Internet, BBC
iPlayer or BBC YouTube Channel
Buy BBC DVDs, VHS or Books
Email the BBC company and await the response.
Q. How can you, as a member of the audience, 'engage with' or ' view' Doctor Who...? How many different forms of media are offered?
There is an 'Trailer maker' which gives the user not only several pieces of footage visually, but also something to interact with.
There is a game which is also an interactive interface.
There are hyperlinks to articles and information
Hyperlink to video of interview with Russell T. Davies
FAQ and contact us allows for communication between the 'reader' and the makers of the programme
Q. How would you usually watch an episode of Doctor Who? TV, perhaps? Now think of the other ways you can watch an episode...
A. DVDs, Internet video-streaming sites such as YouTube and
iPlayer, download off a legal media distribution application such as
iTunes or Napster.
Q. What does this mean if, for example, we are to study the film industry in Britain?
A. That we would be looking at contemporary films
eg. recent films, not 1920s cinema, also we would focus on the DVD/
Blu-ray and Internet distribution of film e.g not the VHS.
Q. How does the film industry 'converge' with the
A. Because, increasingly the
Internet is used for distribution, both legally and illegally and the
Internet is used for big advertising schemes such as adverts for film being posted on YouTube, meaning that film and
Internet have converged to become a single media form.