Thursday 18 March 2010

Evaluation - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? + 2 other qs

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We chose to really try and get Working Title on board and thankfully it paid off. The Company seem to specialise in the sort of movie that we have made. Working Title have, in the past, made movies that are transatlantic with British-American crew and casts, much like our movie. Working Title also tend to provide money for more independent and low-budget features, again similar to the conceptual style that we are going for. A Working Title feature often also portrays the ideas of British culture to American viewers and our film is shot in London, the capital of England and one of the World's most intriguing and multicultural cities, we intend to make a thriller that has something that reflects Britain.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Well, that is probably one of the reasons that we think the movie we have created is appealing to a wide audience. The horror market has become one of the most successful and it is a genre that many of the greatest film-makers of all-time have tapped into; Hitchcock, Kubrick, Spielberg and Coppola, and many other great film-makers have used techniques from horror to make their films great. The horror film allows the film-maker to appeal to a main audience of 'thrill-seeking' under 30s and at the same time, show their talents for directing, the horror film is a film that allows the writer and director to truly be creative. I think as well as the younger audience who come to be scared, older audiences will come for the intriguing plot and what we hope to be an interesting film, as well as this, we intend to appeal to other audiences by having an emotionally complex '3-dimensional' heroine. Pre-release, we showed the opening scene to several people in order to determine whether our target audience would be enthralled by the film, the entire audience really enjoyed it.

Looking back at your Preliminary Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have learnt several things when directing this film since the filming of the preliminary task and our group piece 'the Arrival'. What we have done in Deadfall has been to divert from the comedic route that the other two pieces and really focus in on the Thriller genre. We have created an altogether more balanced film as a result. I think what we did really well was really convey what we had planned onto screen. We made mistakes like in the previous tasks, however we have learned that we have the skills to correct our mistakes, the first mirror shot is actually shot without sound but using editing skills we recreated the sound and it is unnoticeable, this is a sign of our ability to overcome adversity. The fact that we managed to do all our shooting in one extra-long session allowed us no space for mistakes. Other difficulties included the fact that the set contained 9 people including directors and actor, this meant we had to move people as well as equipment and at the same time retain continuity, the control we maintained over the set was strong.

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